Fall has arrived, but what a lovely last weekend of Summer it was. I am happy to see that the last week of September is also forecast to be beautiful so no fear of frost just yet.
Despite the heat, the flea beetles that have been terrorizing our brassicas have mostly packed it in for fall, so things are starting to recover and we should have some good cooler weather harvests over the next few weeks.
The fall carrots, beets, spinach and radishes are coming along too, though the shorter days do slow everything down, so I will be bringing a few of those things in from elsewhere in the meantime (guest cabbage and carrots this week).
My thoughts have begun to shift a little to next season as the battle to clear out weeds continues and the cover crops I did manage to get in begin to grow.
There are lots of reasons to grow cover crops, including carbon sequestration which is on everyone’s mind these days. The few beds of oats and peas I’m growing probably won’t make much difference in the global fight against climate disaster, but I’m hoping it will at least help me build my soil structure and capture some nutrients that might otherwise be lost if the soil were left bare over winter.
The more I can feed the soil and all of the life that lives there, the better our veggies will be and that’s the whole point!
- This Week’s Share
- Garlic
- Tomatoes
- Peppers
- Broccoli
- Swiss Chard
- Savoy Cabbage
- Rainbow Carrots