As expected, the first frost has come and gone.
Although it doesn’t mean an end to the growing season, it does mean a shift. We say goodbye to tender plants including tomatoes, peppers, eggplant cucumbers, and zucchini. I did strip the plants as best I could before Friday, so there will be a few of these still to come in your shares, but the plants are truly gone.
There were a ton of healthy green tomatoes on the plants this year, so I am on the search for anyone’s favourite green tomato recipes! At market a few people told me they used to eat green tomato pickles as children (in the old country) when it was more common to preserve your harvest because imported food wasn’t as readily available. Luckily for me fermenting is all the rage these days, so recipes aren’t hard to find. I will keep you posted. If you (or your grandparents) have a go to for green tomatoes that I can share with everyone, pass it on!
One of the benefits of a hard frost, is that I don’t have to keep wavering on wether or not to try to keep crops alive for minimal harvests. Instead beds can now be cleared and prepared for next season’s garlic crop, or a cold hardy cover crop like rye.
This weekend is Thanksgiving for many people, so perhaps you want to hear about what you will be getting in your shares this week so you can plan your feast. So here is my best prediction:
- Pie pumpkin
- Butternut Squash
- Spicy Salad Mix
- Roma (sauce) tomatoes
- Chard or Collard Greens
- Carrots (Maybe some Beets)
- Potatoes
- Green Peppers
- Cutting or “stock” celery and parsley
- Garlic