I hope everyone’s enjoying this September-like end to the long weekend. Not the best beach weather, but great for getting those last forgotten transplants into the garden! There was enough heat last week that the tomatoes are finally ripening in the field and there may be a few too-big zucchinis coming your way, you just can’t take your eye off them for a second! The peppers are also starting to size up, and I hope you will have the first green peppers in your shares this week. At the very least I’ll harvest some Jalapeño peppers for those of you who enjoy a little heat in your food as well as your summers.
Last week we finally finished the rest of the garlic harvest and cleaning. I’m hoping to keep a third of the crop back for seed this year as it is looking so good. Don’t worry there will still be plenty for eating. Thanks again to my garden helpers for making that harvest easier than it could have been. Thanks to Lauren also for helping out at market last week! It was our best market of the season and I don’t think it was due entirely to the lovely vegetables.
Back on the farm this weekend I had a bit of a surprise when I went out to the greenhouse and found a little dog sleeping in the row cover! She was very nervous at first, but was hungry and tired enough to keep just a few rows away from me in the garden all morning. Peter quickly won her over with treats [and his winsome personality! —Ed.] and we’re now keeping her safe while looking for her humans. The cats are not impressed, so if any of my local members recognize this sweet face please let me know.
This weeks Shares:
- Tomatoes
- Garlic
- Eggplant
- Zucchini
- Cucumbers
- Green Peppers
- Arugula
- Beans
- Beets or Carrots
- Jalapenos
- Herbs
— Jenny