Here at the farm we’re stumbling into September on yet another heat wave. Today we decided to take a mini vacation by going for a stroll around Ernest’s new school’s “learning forest” I can hardly believe my little munchkin starts school tomorrow! There were also promises of ice cream, so I better make this news short and sweet.
The heat is keeping the tomatoes going for now and we have tons of cracked or otherwise unmarketable ones at the moment if anyone is interested in doing some sauce or other preserving. If you are, let me know and I will do my best to bring some from the field for you as I sure can’t keep up with them.
Speaking of things that are hard to keep up with, the summer squash is starting to slow down now, so I hope everyone was able to freeze a little for winter, we will probably only have it for another week or two. The winter squash patch is coming along nicely though, so if we have that to look forward to.
Last week I guess I was a little distracted and I forgot to write Eggplant on the chalkboard for the on-farm pick-up, forgot the peppers entirely in Toronto and the beans ran out early. This week I will try to rectify all of those things with double eggplant, peppers and some beans for anyone who missed out!
This week’s share:
- Tomatoes
- Peppers
- Eggplant
- Summer Squash
- Cucumbers
- Potatoes
- Beets or Carrots
- Kale, Collards, or Chard
— Jenny