Year of Ratatouille

Fall Field - Year of Ratatouille

I hope you all had lovely long weekends filled with good food, family and friends, or solitude if that is what you were needing. It’s often the case that I’m so busy harvesting vegetables for others that I forget to enjoy them with my own family. When I do remember to stop and sit down for a simple home grown meal how thankful I am for my little farm and the sweet people I get to share it with. Both present challenges, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything!

Speaking of being thankful, as we come to the end of the CSA for the season, thanks to all of you for joining me for this short (and hopefully sweet) Ratatouille year. This week will be the final pick-up in Toronto and there will be one more pick-up on the farm next week.

There will be butternut squash coming for everyone as promised. The Squash are coming straight from the field so a week or two of curing on a sunny countertop might make them a little sweeter. There was a little frost damage last week while I was in Toronto, I don’t think the Squash suffered much, but the beans, basil and field tomatoes are gone ’till next season. Not to worry because we have cabbage and baby carrots.

Next season I am determined to have irrigation so we never again suffer through a carrot or spicy salad mix drought!

Toronto members, remember to let me know if you want extra garlic.

This Week’s Share:

  • Garlic
  • Peppers
  • Squash
  • Fingerling Potatoes
  • Cabbage
  • Baby Carrots
  • Swiss Chard
  • Daikon or other Winter Radishes
  • Lettuce
  • Herbs

— Jenny


Arms Full

Fall Field

Yet Another Dramatic Sunset
