A Rumour of Spring

Patch of sun - A Rumour of Spring

The Spring Equinox fell on a beautiful warm day this year and I swear the red-winged blackbirds returned en masse as if to celebrate with us. Because the farm is near the river, we have lots of marshland in the surrounding area and therefore are lucky to have a healthy population of these cheerful harbingers of Spring.

A Rumour of Spring

Of course, the red-winged blackbirds aren’t the only ones getting excited, we have also had surprise living room visits from two sparrows and a starling in the last week, no chimney shall be left unexplored, exciting indeed!

All the same, nights have been cold and the fields are still frozen solid so it will be a while before we can get to work on the garden. Thank goodness for the little patch of summer in the greenhouse, it doesn’t take much sun to warm things up in there.

Beatrice demonstrating the patch of sun in the greenhouse

I have been working on building a mini-greenhouse over the heat table to keep the seedlings cozy even when the temperatures are far too cold outside, next I need to add a shelf, because the table is already overflowing and there is more seedling every week right now. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, onions, kale and chard are among the things already started, I even remembered to seed a few flowers this year for the pollinator garden we are planning! More on that soon.

GREENHOUSECEPTION - a greenhouse within a greenhouse

Speaking of exciting plans: this Saturday I’ll be at a mini seed swap at the Artisan Collective Market in Bellville organized by our friends over at Maker’s Dozen Woods. If you live in the area and have been thinking of joining the CSA but want to know more about it, or just want to trade some seeds, or pick my brains about seed starting, now is your chance!

Springtime at the Market - A Rumour of Spring

For the rest of you, I’m always happy to answer questions via email or phone or any one of our social media pages, in fact, I love hearing from you, so don’t hesitate to be in touch!


p.s. There are still CSA shares available for 2019, but we do have a limited number (especially in Toronto as our Van is only so big) so please let me know ASAP if you would like to be on the list!

Greens in the greenhouse - confirmed