Sowing the Seeds of a Green Autumn — Knuckle Down News, Week 6

escarole - Sowing the Seeds of a Green Autumn — Knuckle Down News, Week 6

I’m not sad to say goodbye to July this year, a little too hot for me! I do hope that we have a slightly gentler August to look forward to with more rain please.

With these hopes in mind, and thanks to Peter taking the boys on several very long strolls, I was able to finish digging the garlic and turn the beds over to fall crops this long weekend. There are a few more seedings to go but the fall planting has begun. C’mon spicy salad mix, your time to shine is just around the corner!

As promised the beans are ready to harvest and will be coming to you this week along with tender new potatoes, the perfect combo of sides in my opinion. Now if only our oven was working it would be time to roast a chicken (our oven and bbq both quit within a week of each other, is this some kind of sign it is too hot to cook?)

In the slightly more unusual category, I will be harvesting some escarole for you this week. For those of you who are new to it, it looks a lot like lettuce, but is actually more similar to radicchio or endive, with a slightly bitter flavour and stronger leaf texture. You can use it raw in salads, but it is often grilled and used for warm salads or simply lightly sauteed with garlic and olive oil, throw in some white beans and parsley and you have a traditional Italian dish.

— Jenny


This week’s share

  • Zucchini
  • Cucumbers
  • Tomatoes
  • Green Beans
  • New Potatoes
  • Escarole
  • Kohlrabi
  • Herbs

Organic Fingerling Potatoes in the Ground

Green Pepper Bottoms

Red Potatoes coming out of the ground

Yellow Beans
