Peter Piper picked a peck of… — Knuckle Down News, Week 7

Bouquet in Hand - Peter Piper picked a peck of... — Knuckle Down News, Week 7

Wait, how could Peter’s peppers be pickled before he picked them?

Perhaps this tongue twister is not factually correct, in any case, we will have peppers this week! Green peppers and maybe some hot peppers too.

I would also encourage anyone who is overwhelmed with cucumbers to make pickles. In fact I found the world’s most simple recipe for refrigerator pickles that I have been meaning to make all weekend and haven’t managed yet, but perhaps if I pass it on to you, you too can dream of making them. Here is the link: Easiest Fridge Dill Pickles

Most of this past week was spent on tomato management, weeding, pruning, harvesting and removing the magnificent and voracious tomato hornworm from our plants! I also squeezed in a seeding of spinach for the fall and harvested our first bouquet of flowers for the table. Sometimes it is important to take the time to smell (or at least admire) the flowers.

Because I know that some of you agree, I will cut and send along flowers over the next few weeks. There won’t be enough for everyone in any given week, but hopefully everyone will get at least one bouquet before the season is through.

Also, check out this awesome rustic harvest basket Maker’s Dozen made for me.  You can get them over here: Rustic Harvest Basket (*Rainbow Pegasus and garlic sold separately)

— Jenny


This weeks’ share

  • Garlic
  • Beans
  • Tomatoes
  • Salad Mix
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Zucchini
  • Green Peppers
  • Baby Fennel
  • Herbs

Makers Dozen Rustic Harvest Basket and Pegasus

Organic Green Peppers

Organic Cayenne Pepper

Triumphant Sunflower

Bouquet in Hand