March: Summer in the sun, Winter in the shade

redwing blackbird - March: Summer in the sun, Winter in the shade


Welcome to those of you that have recently joined the Knuckle Down Farm readership and thanks again to all of you who continue to follow my farm ramblings!

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I’ve been at this long enough not to be fooled by beautiful Spring-like days in March! Despite the strong urge to get out in the garden the moment the temperatures rise the birds start singing, the seeds know better than I do that until the soil itself warms up, there is really nothing to be done but wait.

When winter retreated for a few days I was delighted to spot what looked to me like two Eastern Blue Birds, which I have never seen here before! I can also say with certainty that not only are the Killdeer and Red-Winged Black Birds back, but also a Meadow Lark, which adds such a lovely song to the Spring chorus. I understand them to be a threatened Species, which makes their song all the sweeter. It also reminds me why we keep plugging away at restoring and maintaining wild habitat on our little farm.

Inside the greenhouse, the cold hardy greens will stay tucked under an extra blanket for the next few days and our heat table, which is now overflowing, will keep the young seedlings toasty ’till milder temperature can be trusted to stick around.

Until then, I will be patient, Spring will come.

— Jenny


Redwing Blackbird Winter Farm Sproots Turnip Greens Coming Up