Winter Update: CSA share registration now open!

carrot harvest - Winter Update: CSA share registration now open!

Hello Farm Friends,
Winter is upon us today, but with the shortest days behind us a farm update is long overdue!

The past few months the farm and I have been resting, re-building the energy needed to launch into a new Season on the farm. 

With all of the uncertainty in the world at the moment, I thought it might be nice for folks to know that some things will stay the same. Our 2025 CSA shares are now available, so you can sign-up now and know we will do our very best to grow the most delicious and fresh vegetables for you all Season long. If you would like to help provide us with some stability going into the Season I encourage you to sign up right away.

As an added incentive and to give a little love back to some local businesses that support us, I’ve decided to enter everyone who signs-up and pays at least the deposit by the end of February into a draw for gift certificates from three local businesses!

If you follow us on social media, keep your eyes out over the next few weeks as I announce who those businesses will be. If you prefer to stay off social media, which to be honest is probably most of us these days, never fear I will send another email before the end of February with all the details.

For those of you who prefer to visit us at Market, I hope to come back as soon as the weather allows with even more of the things you love. Reach out if you have requests, crop planning is underway.
— Jenny

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