Wild Things — Knuckle Down News, Week 11

Corny Ernest - Wild Things — Knuckle Down News, Week 11


Things on the farm are busy as ever, with harvesting taking up most of my time now that I’m solo in the garden again. Well, almost solo — Ernest is getting pretty good at harvesting Tomatoes! However, sometimes, even in the middle of a morning harvest, I just have to stop for a photo, especially when the fauna is kind enough to match my glamorous outfit. We really don’t have enough flowers on the farm yet so I’m always happy when I spot these beauties.

Sweet corn update: thanks to drought, much of the corn is still smaller than Ernest.  They’re trying to makes cobs but it’s hard to say if we will have more than a handful worth eating. They will make cute Halloween decorations. Boo!
Corny Ernest - Wild Things — Knuckle Down News, Week 11Butterfly Shirt

 Happily the Tomatoes, Eggplants and Peppers are still laden with fruit and I hope to have some cooler season greens for you soon. The Onions are ready to harvest and cure, we got a decent crop despite how dry it was. The potatoes are still quite green and lush so I hope we will get a good harvest if I leave them for a few more weeks.
Toronto members, if you ever get to the pick-up and something has run out, please drop by the market or text me (647-928-5253)! I will happily bring you some the next week if I don’t have any back-up with me. I try to weigh everything with a bit of a buffer, but sometimes I guess I don’t buffer enough!

Foreboding Field