April Updates: Showers, Seeds, a Table, & Market!

ptable done - April Updates: Showers, Seeds, a Table, & Market!

April Showers have arrived and despite being eager to get out and into the fields, it sure is good for the soul to see all that water soaking into the soil, replenishing ground water, streams and wells everywhere. Luckily for me, I have a greenhouse to keep busy in while I wait for the ground to warm up and dry out enough to be worked.Planting Seeds, Planning Plants

Since my last update, we completed our heated propagation table. It has been working as it should for a couple of weeks and has been filled twice-over with seedlings destined for the garden in a month or two.

Propagation Table!

For those of you who like looking at pretty pictures of seedlings and other farm related things we now have an instagram account (@kncukledownfarm) as well as the facebook page and website at www.knuckledownfarm.ca.  Go ahead and follow us if you like!

A big welcome to all the new members who have joined us, and a hearty welcome back to all the returning members! Believe it or not there are only five shares left for the season. If you were hoping to get one, please let me know ASAP.

Greenhouse Helper at Knuckle Down Farm

Most of you have already sent payment for the season, many thanks! For those of you who have yet to do so, please remember you have to send your $100 deposit for your share to be reserved.

For any Toronto members who would like to get a few greens (or make your deposit in person) I’ll be at the Dufferin Grove Farmers’ Market for the next few Thursdays with overwintered crops from the greenhouse. I need to make room for all those seedlings that will soon begin to take over every inch of space.


– Jenny


Bonus Propagation Table Construction Pics:


Propagation Table 1: Building the Base

Laying heating cable in sand

Covering heating cable with sand

Wet Sand

Ready for Seeds