October is here and so is Fall for a few days at least! Thus far the heaviness of the morning dew seems to be keeping the frost at bay, so if the forecast can be trusted, it looks like we’ll have another few weeks of summery vegetables mixed in with the more traditional Fall crops. With Thanksgiving and Halloween coming up, I should let you know there won’t be any pumpkins this year. Butternut squash will be coming soon, but not in time for this week. The late start in the Spring means late Squash. Sorry you’ll have to look elsewhere for your pie needs!
These days on the farm I’m spending most of my time covering things up or harvesting tomatoes in case of frosty nights. Soon it will be time to start sorting out the garlic for next year and splitting it all so we can get it planted out before November. The greenhouse should be transitioned from summer to winter crops soon, though I always find it hard to pull those flowering cherry tomatoes!
This Weeks Shares:
- Tomatoes
- Peppers
- Eggplant
- Endive or Escarole
- Kohlrabi
- Leeks
- Swiss Chard or Collard Greens
- Red Onions
- Herbs