I hope some of you are soaking in a nice cool lake right now, or floating down a river in a canoe or at least enjoying something cold on a patio. This weather is ridiculous! On the farm, much of our time has been spent just trying to keep the garden watered as the promised storms continue to pass us by. Trying to get fall crops to germinate in this heat is a bit of a challenge, but we will keep trying as long as our well holds out and keep hoping for rain.
In the meantime, after taking care of a serious invasion of Tomato Horn Worms (caterpillars of all kinds seem to be loving this weather), the tomatoes are now beginning ripen. The first of the beans have begun to trickle in too so at least some of you will be seeing those in your share this week. Melons are another crop that have been booming in this heat. Fortunately for us, although mine never made it into the ground this year, our neighbours over at Footstep Organics planted more than they can handle so I agreed to take some off their hands!
This week’s shares:
- Summer Squash
- Tomatoes
- Baby Fennel
- Swiss Chard
- Beans
- Cucumbers
- Miniature Cabbage
- Cantaloupe
- Pea Shoots
- Herbs
– Jenny