So much rain!
I don’t think I can remember such a soggy July. I’m not complaining though, the vegetables are growing like mad, and I’ll take harvesting in the mud over drought any day.
Because I planted so much extra garlic this year, we are still working on getting it all harvested and hung up to cure, when we do there won’t be much room left in the woodshed!
Fall crops are eager to be planted, but it is challenging to prepare beds for them when the soil is so muddy, so fingers crossed for a few dry days in a row soon. Last week we did manage to sneak in a late planting of beans and carrots, so we should be well covered for those right into the fall. Our first planting of beans is covered in flowers and I think we might be able to start harvesting as early as next week.
As promised, Zucchinis and Cucumbers have arrived full force and this week we will also start harvesting eggplant! The tomato plants are huge, but we need a few days of sunshine to ripen up the fruit.
Speaking of huge, we will also be harvesting some Napa Cabbage for the CSA this week and I must admit, I’m afraid you won’t have room for it in your fridges!
— Jenny
This week’s share:
🍆 Eggplant
🥒 Zucchini
🥒 Cucumbers
🥬 Napa Cabbage
🥬 Lettuce
🎵 Beets or 🥕 Carrots
🍃 Greens Choice (Kale, Collards, Chard)
🌿 Basil
🌿 Parsley
p.s. Toronto, you can order many of these things on the Dufferin Grove Market Web Store, but you have to order before noon on Tuesday!