It didn’t seem possible in July, but today I’m very happy for this nice downpour. All this heat means we are back to irrigating the garden, but irrigation doesn’t help get rid of all the humidity in the air, c’mon storm!
The heat is bringing on the Tomatoes, Eggplants and Peppers though, so many in fact, that we are running out of harvest crates for them.
Our field cucumbers didn’t like the humidity though, and are about to give up the ghost. Today I mulched the second planting and it is looking good so far. Our second planting of zucchini is also looking healthy, in fact some of them have started to produce already, uh oh.
We are also experimenting with a few different mulching materials for our young lettuces, to see if we can bring them through the heat wave without getting bitter (the lettuce not me).
The heat is giving us many opportunities to work on cleaning our remaining garlic varieties, so the CSA will be receiving Persian Star this week, a beautiful Purple Stripe variety that is supposed to be nice and mild for fresh use.
Once again we have lots of extra produce for our Markets locally and in Toronto as well as for the Hamper, so if you aren’t in the CSA you can still enjoy a Knuckle Down feast.
This Week’s Share:
π₯ Cucumbers
π₯ Zucchini
Cherry Tomatoes
π₯¬ Napa Cabbage
π« Peppers
π Eggplant
π§ Garlic
π₯ Carrots
π Greens Choice
πΏ Herbs