Hello Knuckle Down Friends,
The relief during a stretch of 30 degree days, when a decent rainfall comes with the predicted thunderstorms, is like being offered a rest when you thought you had to work for another few hours on a too-hot afternoon.
Although I haven’t checked the rain gage just yet, a quick look in the garden and I can see that the soil is nicely saturated and the vegetables are likely feeling as relieved as I am. A good thing, as it looks like the heat will be around for a while yet and it is hard to get fall crops established in bone dry soil!
We have a bit of a busy week coming up, with a trip into the big city on Thursday when we visit the Dufferin Grove Farmers Market.
Our garlic is ready to be dug and cured as soon as the soil dries out a bit and the July weeds and Tomato jungle are tugging at my sleeve with some urgency.
The feeling of relief, as glorious as it is, is brief!
Our green and yellow beans are ready to harvest this week and I found the first full sized ripe tomatoes in the greenhouse yesterday.
The zucchini and cucumber plants are still struggling to get established this year, but I’m hopeful this rain will help and we have a second planting ready to go in soon if they don’t pull through.
I spotted some baby peppers on the pepper plants and Sonora is clearing some space in the greenhouse for some eggplants that never made it into the field too, so hopefully there will be ratatouille in our future.
— Jenny
This Week’s Share
🥬 Kale
🌿 Basil
🌈 Beans
👾 Kohlrabi
🎵 Beets
🧄 Fresh Garlic
🟣 Purple Onions
🥒 Cucumbers or zucchini if we have enough!
🌿 Other herbs