Hello Farm Friends,
The great garlic harvest continues this week. Sonora and I were able to harvest over half of the crop last week before the rain came and Sofie is here today to help us with the last two thousand or so cloves. Then we just have to find room to cure them all!
As soon as we are done, we will prepare those empty garlic beds for the fall crops that are waiting to be transplanted or seeded. I am also looking forward to catching up on some weeding and preparing a large part of the garden for a cover crop.
Cover crops are used for plenty of different reasons, but in this case we are hoping to remediate a very weedy section of the garden by taking it out of rotation for a couple of seasons. Earlier in the year we covered the area with a tarp to reduce the weed pressure and now we will seed Sorghum Sudangrass which is a very fast growing crop that will hopefully give the remaining perennial weeds some real competition before it is killed by the Winter weather. In the Spring, we will work the remaining crop residue in and plant a Spring cover crop. With any luck at that point we will see some improvement and can decide how to proceed from there.
That is the plan, assuming we are able to fit it in between our planting, weeding and harvesting this week!
Speaking of harvesting, I’m excited to be back at Dufferin Grove Market this week after a couple of weeks off, especially because the very first of our fresh green and yellow Beans are ready and I think there will be a nice heavy yield after the rain we had.
CSA members can also expect to see Beans this week and our first green Cabbage too.
In fact, if we are going to get all of that harvested, I better get back to the field.
— Jenny
Week Six Shares:
🏸 Summer Squash/Zucchini
🥬 Cabbage
🌱 Beans
🥕 Carrots
🎵 Beets
🥬 Lettuce
🥒 Cucumbers
🍃 Greens Bunch Choice
🪴 Herbs