Hello Farm Friends,
The Fall Equinox came and went this past weekend and it sure does look like Autumn out my window this rainy Monday. Our CSA has five weeks left and our Stirling Market even fewer!
If you are hoping to plant garlic this Fall it is a good time to start thinking about ordering while we still have all four of our varieties available. Thanks to Sonora for the lovely poster below.
Our garlic is so beautiful this year I would love to share it with you. If you order more than you need, you can always eat the rest!
This week we will also have lots of peppers and eggplants, in fact there are so many ripening peppers on our plants branches are snapping off.
New for this week is the first of our Fall Spinach. Hopefully we will have enough for both our CSA and Market customers, but germination was a bit uneven so we will have to see.
We also have more Cabbage and will be digging muddy new potatoes tomorrow for sure. I’ve had to say goodbye to our field tomatoes for the most part, but holding off on pulling the plants from our unheated greenhouse at least for now. As a result there will still be a few tomatoes to enjoy yet. Of course that means I haven’t put a crop of Fall greens into the greenhouse, fingers crossed for a nice mild October so I won’t need to this year and instead get a chance to replace the plastic, which is much overdue.
One of these days I would love to have a second greenhouse so I didn’t have to choose!
— Jenny
This Weeks’ Share:
🥬 Napa Cabbage
🍃 Spinach
🫑 Peppers
🍆 Eggplant or Zucchini
🥔 Potatoes
🍅 Tomatoes
🧄 Garlic
🏸 Squash
🌿 Herbs