Garden Guests, Welcome & Otherwise; Drought’s Terroir; Tomatoes are our Future — Knuckle Down News Week 2

  A healthy population of pollinators is something that every garden needs and an organic...

CSAs Start This Week! — Knuckle Down News Week 1

Welcome to the first week of our CSA for 2016! If you’re picking up on...

On-Farm Pickup Time

Hello On-Farm CSA members! The vote was quite overwhelmingly for Tuesdays 3pm-6pm. That means the...

Caution: We won’t be at Dufferin Grove this Week (June 9th)

We’ll be back on Thursday, June 16th though

June Came Too Soon! // Rushing Towards the First Week of the CSA

It’s that time of year when I know everyone is wondering when the CSA will...

Spring Update Time

A big spring welcome to all of our new members and welcome back to everyone...

May We Expect the Pleasure of your Company for the 2016 Growing Season?

Don’t let this blizzard fool you, Spring is around the corner and we’re getting ready. Little...

We’re Hiring

UPDATE: We’re pleased to announce that this position has been filled.  Regardless, if you’d like...

Tucking in Another Year for Winter — Knuckle Down News, Week 20

As another season comes to a close, I want to thank you all for being...

Frosty Motivation, Hot Peppers, & a Rooster Named — Knuckle Down News, Week 19

This week we’ve had plenty of frosty motivation to finally finish the greenhouse doors. Now...

Name That Rooster!

This time last year my belly was so big I quit coming to Toronto. Now I’ve...

Happy Thanksgiving — Knuckle Down News, Week 17

What a twist for Thanksgiving this year: Knuckle Down Farm is moving some chickens into...

Muddy Harvest — Knuckle Down News, Week 16

  It will be a muddy harvest this week but at the end of September...

Coincidence… or Mustard? KDN — Vol. IV, N° xv.

  Week Fifteen always feels like a turning point. The Equinox has passed and we’re...

Beta Vulgaris, Best Vulgaris! (Beet That)

Our clay soil isn’t the best for some crops but boy do Beets seem to...

Help with the Harvest — Knuckle Down News, Week 13

The Onion harvest began last week and it turns out Ernest quite enjoys helping with...

A Fine Time of Year for Organic Farming — Knuckle Down News, Week 12

This is my favourite time of year to be in the garden. Although there are...

Saucy Tomatoes — Knuckle Down News, Week 11

We have a great haul of ripe Tomatoes this week. Last week’s heat combined with the...

Halfway Point: Heat, Pie, & Fair — Knuckle Down News, Week 10

This time last year it was so cool we didn’t have a single ripe tomato...